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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

PublishingPage Column Values

Adding a PublishingPage in SharePoint is covered here and in other places.

But I had the problem of trying to add content to columns that were not text-based. One was a link (RichLinkField) and the other was an image (RichImageField). My code did not throw an error when I assigned a text value:

page.ListItem["ImageColumnName"] = "";
page.ListItem["LinkColumnName"] = "";

But even though there was no exception thrown, the values were not set. It was as if those two lines were just ignored. I tried instantiating instances of RichImageField and RichLinkField, but the object model was way to confusing to try and understand just for this simple task. I did stumble on the ImageFieldValue and LinkFieldValue classes. The constructors of these will take an HTML string. I passed in valid HTML <img> and <a> tags, and it appears they were parsed and used to set the properties of the classes.

page.ListItem["ImageColumnName"] = new ImageFieldValue("<img src='' />");
page.ListItem["LinkColumnName"] = new LinkFieldValue("<a href=''>Link Text</a>");

And it worked like a charm. For the link, was set as the NavigateUrl property, and "Link Text" was set as the display value.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

BizTalk Assembly Extension (BtsAsmExt.dll)

From command line, run

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006\Developer Tools\BtsAsmExt.dll"

(where C:\Program files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 is my BizTalk install location) and then take a look at Windows Explorer. There is an extra menu item called "BizTalk Server Assemblies."

Opening this menu item shows all deployed BizTalk assemblies. Opening any of these assemblies will show you all the BizTalk artifacts that are part of the assembly. You can double click on any of these (a schema, or an orchestration, for instance) to get an XML representation of the artifact.

Clicking View > Explorer Bar > BizTalk Server Search will open up a pretty good search tool for searching across all artifacts. The search results will also tell you what references the items displayed.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Update to JDEUTIME and BizTalk JDE Adapters

I went with the wrapper JDE business function. BizTalk can call the wrapper function, which does not require a JDEUTIME parameter, and which acts as an adapter to the function I actually wanted to call.

Looks like the next version of the adapter is scheduled to support the JDEUTIME type. It also appears that JDEUTIME is the only type that the adapter does not currently support. My response from Microsoft support included:

  • JDEUTime is a new data type introduced in JDE 8.9.
  • We have an existing request for support in the next Adapter release.
  • They are evaluating the efforts to include support in the current Adapter version. The estimated date for an update on this particular bullet will be next week (possibly by Wednesday).
  • I have requested a document that outlines the supported data types. The last word I got on this one is that it is only JDEUTime but still requesting a kb article or some other document.
