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Thursday, October 29, 2009

SharePoint Document Library & Folder Security Screenshots


SharePoint security can be very granular. Security permissions can apply to Document Libraries, Folders within Document Libraries, and individual Documents. Security permissions can be applied to individual SharePoint users as well as groups of SharePoint users. Below are some screenshots and information demonstrating these concepts

SharePoint Groups

In the screenshot below, two new groups have been created:


Folder Security

This screenshot shows a Document Library named FolderSecurityDemo. It has two folders, Information Technology and Human Resources:


These screenshots show managing security for folders. We must first stop inheriting permissions from the parent (which is the Document Library). We can then remove permissions from everyone but administrators and members of the Human Resources group:





Other Options

You can do similar operations at the Document Library level—for example, if you want executives or auditors to be able to read all Documents in the Document Library, but not be able to edit anything. Another example might be granting read-only permissions to a group so they could read but not edit folders that pertain to a different group.

Another option would be to have separate lists for each department, with each list containing only a custom content type (for example, the “Policies and Procedures” content type). This would allow good segregation, while still being able to query across lists using the content type.


· Documentation:

· Video walking through some aspects of SharePoint security and permissions:


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